- 請求信息 : 2025-01-23 00:23:05 HTTP/1.1 GET : /gonglue/dzjxwd/120497.html
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- [8] Undefined index: child /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Model/Db/BizMarketing/QuyuModel.class.php 第 77 行.
- [8] Undefined index: cid /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Controller/BaseController.class.php 第 93 行.
- [8192] Function Redis::delete() is deprecated /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Core2015/Library/Think/Cache/Driver/Redis.class.php 第 95 行.
- [8] Undefined index: u_userInfo /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Controller/BaseController.class.php 第 105 行.
- [8] Undefined variable: city /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Controller/BaseController.class.php 第 150 行.
- [8] Undefined variable: city /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Controller/BaseController.class.php 第 159 行.
- [8] Undefined index: bm /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Controller/BaseController.class.php 第 207 行.
- [8] Undefined index: oldName /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Controller/BaseController.class.php 第 208 行.
- [8] Undefined index: oldName /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Controller/BaseController.class.php 第 209 行.
- [8] Undefined index: cid /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Controller/BaseController.class.php 第 210 行.
- [8] Undefined index: usercount /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Controller/BaseController.class.php 第 212 行.
- [8] Undefined index: lng /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Controller/BaseController.class.php 第 213 行.
- [8] Undefined index: lat /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Controller/BaseController.class.php 第 214 行.
- [8] Undefined index: province /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Controller/BaseController.class.php 第 215 行.
- [8] Undefined index: center_password_token /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Controller/BaseController.class.php 第 234 行.
- [8] Undefined variable: theCityId /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Home/ff3779ceb910bdc3051b194b43aa3e6b.php 第 51 行.
- [8] Undefined variable: theCityId /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Home/f89211401238cb8627b81acd03c96908.php 第 51 行.
- [8] Undefined variable: list /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Model/Logic/BizMarketing/ArticleLogicModel.class.php 第 163 行.
- [2] Invalid argument supplied for foreach() /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Model/Logic/BizMarketing/ArticleLogicModel.class.php 第 163 行.
- [8] Undefined variable: replaceLink /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Model/Logic/BizMarketing/ArticleLogicModel.class.php 第 176 行.
- [2] Invalid argument supplied for foreach() /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Model/Logic/BizMarketing/ArticleLogicModel.class.php 第 176 行.
- [2] array_column() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Model/Service/ElasticSearchServiceModel.class.php 第 146 行.
- [2] Invalid argument supplied for foreach() /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Home/Controller/ArticleController.class.php 第 229 行.
- [8] Undefined variable: topbanner /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Home/08630ee9b8451d6b403222a70da9028e.php 第 44 行.
- [8] Undefined variable: ifIndex /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Home/08630ee9b8451d6b403222a70da9028e.php 第 134 行.
- [8] Undefined index: u_userInfo /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Home/08630ee9b8451d6b403222a70da9028e.php 第 457 行.
- [8] Undefined variable: theCityId /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Home/08630ee9b8451d6b403222a70da9028e.php 第 835 行.
- [8] Undefined variable: source /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Home/08630ee9b8451d6b403222a70da9028e.php 第 895 行.
- [8] Undefined variable: var /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Home/08630ee9b8451d6b403222a70da9028e.php 第 1048 行.
- [8] Undefined variable: ssid /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Home/08630ee9b8451d6b403222a70da9028e.php 第 1316 行.
- [8] Undefined variable: theCityId /www/sites/xlxlx.com.cn/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Home/08630ee9b8451d6b403222a70da9028e.php 第 1400 行.
- SELECT a.px_abc,a.cid as cid,a.cname,a.uid,a.type,a.bm,a.px,a.px_abc,a.parent_city,a.parent_city1,a.parent_city2,a.parent_city3,a.parent_city4,a.other_city,b.qz_areaid,b.qz_area,b.orders,c.qz_province,c.qz_bigpart,c.qz_bigpart_name,a.lng,a.lat FROM qz_quyu a inner join qz_area as b on a.cid = b.fatherid and b.type = 1 inner join qz_province as c on c.qz_provinceid = a.uid WHERE a.bm = 'www' AND b.type = 1 ORDER BY a.bm,qz_area DESC [ RunTime:0.0012s ]
- UPDATE qz_www_article SET `realview`=realview+1 WHERE `id` = 120497 [ RunTime:0.0066s ]
- SHOW COLUMNS FROM `qz_thematic_content_related` [ RunTime:0.0019s ]
- SELECT b.id,b.`name` FROM qz_thematic_content_related a join qz_thematic_words b on a.thematic_id = b.id and b.is_show = 1 WHERE a.content_id = '120497' AND a.module = 1 AND b.type = 1 AND b.is_delete = 1 LIMIT 5 [ RunTime:0.0011s ]
- SELECT * FROM qz_www_article_class WHERE `shortname` = 'dzjxwd' AND `obsolete` = 0 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0015s ]
- SELECT * FROM qz_www_article_class WHERE `id` = 438 AND `obsolete` = 0 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
- SELECT a.*,c.id as cid,c.classname,c.shortname FROM qz_www_article a INNER JOIN qz_www_article_class_rel as b on b.article_id = a.id INNER JOIN qz_www_article_class as c on c.id = b.class_id WHERE a.id = '120497' AND b.class_id = '458' AND a.state = 2 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0011s ]
- SHOW COLUMNS FROM `qz_keyword_relate` [ RunTime:0.0016s ]
- SELECT b.name,b.href FROM qz_keyword_relate a INNER JOIN qz_www_article_keywords b on a.keyword_id = b.id WHERE `article_id` = '120497' AND `module` = 'wwwarticle' [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
- SHOW COLUMNS FROM `qz_www_article_class` [ RunTime:0.0017s ]
- SELECT c.id FROM qz_www_article_class c WHERE c.is_new = 1 AND c.shortname = 'dzjxwd' [ RunTime:0.0011s ]
- SELECT a.id,a.title,c.shortname,c.classname,a.face,a.subtitle,a.likes,a.imgs,a.face,a.pv FROM qz_www_article a force index(idx_state) INNER JOIN qz_www_article_class_rel rel on rel.article_id = a.id INNER JOIN qz_www_article_class c on c.id = rel.class_id WHERE a.state = 2 AND c.id IN ('458') ORDER BY a.id desc LIMIT 0,7 [ RunTime:0.0134s ]
- UPDATE qz_www_article SET `pv`=pv+1 WHERE `id` = 120497 [ RunTime:0.0087s ]
- SELECT `id`,`name`,`type` FROM qz_thematic_words WHERE `is_delete` = 1 AND `is_show` = 1 AND `type` = 2 ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 30 [ RunTime:0.0184s ]
- SELECT `id`,`name`,`type` FROM qz_thematic_words WHERE `is_delete` = 1 AND `is_show` = 1 AND `type` = 2 AND `is_hot` = 1 ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 30 [ RunTime:0.0214s ]
- SHOW COLUMNS FROM `qz_thematic_content_related` [ RunTime:0.0015s ]
- SELECT b.id,b.`name` FROM qz_thematic_content_related a join qz_thematic_words b on a.thematic_id = b.id and b.is_show = 1 WHERE a.content_id = '120497' AND a.module = 1 AND b.type = 1 AND b.is_delete = 1 LIMIT 5 [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
- SELECT a.*,q.bm,q.cname,area.qz_area,(1.5 * a.liangfang + 10 * a.wanzhengdu + 0.5 * a.loginnum + 0.5 * a.answernum) hot,(1 * a.liangfang + 5 * a.qiandan + 0.1 * a.haoping + 10 * a.wanzhengdu) AS `rank` FROM ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT t.*,`day`,`comid`,`liangfang`,`qiandan`,`haoping`,`wanzhengdu`,`ping`,`casesnum`,`loginnum`,`answernum`,`designnum` FROM ( SELECT a.id,a.qc,a.jc,a.register_time,a.logo,a.activte_score,a.case_count,a.cs,a.qx,a.on,b.fake FROM qz_user a INNER JOIN qz_user_company b on a.id = b.userid and b.fake = 0 WHERE a.classid IN (3,6) AND b.`is_show` = 1 AND a.on = 2 AND b.fake = 0 ) t INNER JOIN qz_user_company_rank c on c.comid = t.id WHERE c.`day` = '2025-01-22' ORDER BY c.day desc ) r GROUP BY comid ) a INNER JOIN qz_quyu as q on a.cs = q.cid left join qz_area area on area.qz_areaid = a.qx ORDER BY `rank` DESC,hot desc,a.register_time LIMIT 0,3 [ RunTime:0.0015s ]
- SELECT a.*,q.bm,q.cname,area.qz_area,(1.5 * a.liangfang + 10 * a.wanzhengdu + 0.5 * a.loginnum + 0.5 * a.answernum) hot,(1 * a.liangfang + 5 * a.qiandan + 0.1 * a.haoping + 10 * a.wanzhengdu) AS `rank` FROM ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT t.*,`day`,`comid`,`liangfang`,`qiandan`,`haoping`,`wanzhengdu`,`ping`,`casesnum`,`loginnum`,`answernum`,`designnum` FROM ( SELECT a.id,a.qc,a.jc,a.register_time,a.logo,a.activte_score,a.case_count,a.cs,a.qx,a.on,b.fake FROM qz_user a INNER JOIN qz_user_company b on a.id = b.userid and b.fake = 0 WHERE a.classid IN (3,6) AND b.`is_show` = 1 AND a.on <> 2 AND b.fake = 0 ) t INNER JOIN qz_user_company_rank c on c.comid = t.id WHERE c.`day` = '2025-01-22' ORDER BY c.day desc ) r GROUP BY comid ) a INNER JOIN qz_quyu as q on a.cs = q.cid left join qz_area area on area.qz_areaid = a.qx ORDER BY `rank` DESC,hot desc,a.register_time LIMIT 0,3 [ RunTime:0.0014s ]
- SELECT a.*,q.bm,q.cname,area.qz_area FROM ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT t.*,`day`,`comid`,`liangfang`,`qiandan`,`haoping`,`wanzhengdu`,`ping`,`casesnum`,`loginnum`,`answernum`,`designnum` FROM ( SELECT a.id,a.qc,a.jc,a.register_time,a.logo,a.activte_score,a.case_count,a.cs,a.qx,a.on,b.fake FROM qz_user a INNER JOIN qz_user_company b on a.id = b.userid and b.fake = 0 WHERE a.classid IN (3,6) AND b.`is_show` = 1 AND a.on = 2 AND b.fake = 0 ) t INNER JOIN qz_user_company_rank c on c.comid = t.id WHERE c.`day` = '2025-01-22' ORDER BY c.day desc ) r GROUP BY comid ) a INNER JOIN qz_quyu as q on a.cs = q.cid left join qz_area area on area.qz_areaid = a.qx ORDER BY a.casesnum DESC,a.register_time LIMIT 0,3 [ RunTime:0.0013s ]
- SELECT a.*,q.bm,q.cname,area.qz_area FROM ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT t.*,`day`,`comid`,`liangfang`,`qiandan`,`haoping`,`wanzhengdu`,`ping`,`casesnum`,`loginnum`,`answernum`,`designnum` FROM ( SELECT a.id,a.qc,a.jc,a.register_time,a.logo,a.activte_score,a.case_count,a.cs,a.qx,a.on,b.fake FROM qz_user a INNER JOIN qz_user_company b on a.id = b.userid and b.fake = 0 WHERE a.classid IN (3,6) AND b.`is_show` = 1 AND a.on <> 2 AND b.fake = 0 ) t INNER JOIN qz_user_company_rank c on c.comid = t.id WHERE c.`day` = '2025-01-22' ORDER BY c.day desc ) r GROUP BY comid ) a INNER JOIN qz_quyu as q on a.cs = q.cid left join qz_area area on area.qz_areaid = a.qx ORDER BY a.casesnum DESC,a.register_time LIMIT 0,3 [ RunTime:0.0012s ]
- 服務(wù)器主機(jī)名 : 4246bee615e5
- 服務(wù)器系統(tǒng) : Linux 4246bee615e5 3.10.0-1160.119.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jun 4 14:43:51 UTC 2024 x86_64
- PHP運(yùn)行方式 : fpm-fcgi
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- 服務(wù)器域名 : xlxlx.com.cn
- 服務(wù)器語言 : zh-CN,zh
- 服務(wù)器IP :
- 服務(wù)器Web端口 : 443
- 客戶端IP :
- URL : http://xlxlx.com.cn/gonglue/dzjxwd/120497.html
- 控制器 : Application/Home/Article/index
- 模板文件 : ../Application/Home/View/Article/index_888.html